Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Giver: Team W.A.L.L.Z.

    "Sometimes," she went on, speaking now in a lighter tone, relaxing the tension in the Auditorium, "we are not entirely certain about the assignments, even after the most painstaking observations. Sometimes we worry that the one assigned might not develop through training, every attribute necessary. Elevens are still children after all. what we observe as playfulness and patience --- the requirements to become Nurturer --- could, with maturity,be revealed as simply foolishness and indolence. So we continue to observe during training, and to modify behavior when necessary."

    Question: What if you had the requirements for a job and were given that job without your consent?

We chose this image from 'It's A Wonderful Life' because he is being given a job that he does not want but it suits him right.

This is an image from The Giver and it explains the ceremony of Twelve, from which the quote relies on.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I HAVE to choose what I do for a profession or otherwise I would be miserable. That's why it makes me sad when my students graduate and go on to do what their parents think they should do instead of what they want to do! Pave your own way!!!

    Thanks for sharing a great quote,
    Ms. Vance
